
We love to write and it gives us immense pleasure. Our team do everything to make sure that you get the correct version of each content. We have a multiple vetting process for each content which goes online on loankaiselehindi.in including research, grammar and spelling mistakes, Concept and finally fact-check.

But we know human makes mistake and so our team can also do the same (not intentionally) so If you are using content published on loankaiselehindi.in for your personal use, we recommend to check or double verify the information through official sources.

If you consume information and make use of it for your benefit, and you end with a loss. Sorry for that but we and our team are not responsible for that. This is request, please double check the information which you are going to use for your benefit or for someone else.

for any other query or complaint or suggestion, you can write us via contact page and we will try to get back you asap.